Monday, 14 January 2013


what element would you add to our education system?
what element would you take out?


  1. Santiago Gutiérrez Montes14 January 2013 at 19:18

    I believe that the current education system need make classes more entertaining. The major problems is the lack of attention in class . I don't think we need to do more homework but tests are a good idea to check the knowledge gained.

  2. Nowadays, the education in spain is going worst, because the people have a lack of interest in their studies. I think that the policy of reduced the level because a hight percent of the pupils fall it's an enormous mistake. if the people with more than 12-13 years-old don't want to study why does the country obligate them? why doesn't the country ofrecced a qualilty FP education like other countries? We think that have a very hight percent of universitary people produce more money, but if the universitaries are bad and we don't have people that control handworking the money are stopped.

  3. I think that the class must be more practical and entertaining. The IT class with computers and digital blackboard are a good way to teach because the pupils playing learn. We could do speaking exams too, because I think we don´t know to speak in front of to many people and at the school the pupils only do writing exams. We have to help children, because they need have creativity and experience to learn themselves better.

  4. For me a good education system should teach the respect and the discipline, because they are two important aspects in the work and in social life. Then the meritocracy is a fundamental point in a educational process, above all because it encourages students to study.

  5. I think one of the first things that sould change in schools are the homeworks. The childrens expend much time in school learning and doing excersises, and I think after school they need time to play sports, relax or do diferents activities.
    In high school may be more necessary to prepare for college.
    I think is necessary more practical subjects for learn things for real live.

  6. I would have preferred more investigation and dicovery homeworks, but i did memorize homeworks :(

  7. It is necessary a stable educational model preserved for decades. For this reason, the main political groups should agree.

    A country must be able to produce citizens capable of critical thinking. Education in Spain is based on exercising memory, instead of producing passion for learning. It is the main objective to achieve good professionals and better people, get to like your profession.

  8. Education is always a matter of debate in all countries. Everyone has an opinion about our educational system and it´s difficult to find a perfect system cent per cent. Normally there is criticism because people used to say that our system is too theorical.
    On the other hand we could talk about private or public school, about the lack of resources in the public school, specially now with the economic crisis, the increasing pressure over the teacher, the motivation in the students etc. As I said before, this is a very interesting topic with a lot of aspects and very difficult to summarize

  9. Ana Alfaro Orgaz17 January 2013 at 21:14

    I think that Education only can be saved if teachers and pupils together make an effort to do it. They only can achieve success with respect, discipline and incentive. But parents have a very important role too. Children have to learn that basics at school and at home.

  10. i think the problem is the educational system. if the teacher want to do good things is impossible have more than 30 pupils in class. it´s so complicate to make things in group with that amount of pupils. maybe in some subject it´s possible make co-operative learning. i will add small project with link some subject to work it together, and of course, that parents support and don´t leave its pupil at school as parking

  11. Nowadays our educational system is in crisis because is being controled by politicians. Education is not already an entitlement of the people, now it is only another way of powerful people to get money and being more and more rich. Despite the changes that is necessary to do in the way of teaching in our education, i think that is more important to persuade and to involve people to fight against this. Educators and the people are the ones who should be responsible for education.

  12. Guadalupe Fernández Mayoral19 January 2013 at 20:57

    I think education is one of the main elements of the population, so education system is very important, because it depends on our training.
    The education system in Spain is not very good because it was continually changes and cuts, resulting in a delay for students.

  13. In my opinion the educational system is the problem. It is in the wrong way.
    Nowadays the studients aren´t interested on their studies. If they fail their end-of-term exam, they haven´t to repeat the whole school year, so they don´t pay attention in cass and it´s so dificult for the teachers have a good controlling the class. In my opinion this is a big mistake.
    When a teacher argue whith a student the parents not support the teachers, so the students don´t have respect to their teachers. This is a serious trouble.
    Actualy, in my opinion There are lots of diferences between public and privated education, and its is terrible because all the people have right to quality education.

  14. cristina valverde3 February 2013 at 12:36

    Eduacation in Spain is not as good as it should be. On the one hand, schools are not independent enough to create their own curriculum and they have to follow the directives from the government. On the other, students are not motivated; they do not find any interest in their studies and therefore they do not make any effort to achieve educational goals.

  15. Like a lot of my classmates, I this it's a problem of interactivity. I think nobody learns, or not enough at least, watching a a boring powerpoint presentation and listening the proffessor's lecture. Obviously that's necesary, but it's not the only.

    In other way, I think that here in Spain are a several lack of motivation because education is seen like obligatory and not like necessary.

  16. Maria Berástegui12 February 2013 at 17:53

    The big problem in education at school, in Spain is the student can pass the course although they fail the subject.
    For me, It is important the student pass the exams.
    At university the big problem, It is the classes are more theory and I think is necessary the classes have more practice.
    So Spanish people would have the best preparation for the laboral world.

  17. I think our education system is training people to work but not to thinking. Creativity has less and less importance. At school, students only repeat the ideas of the books but they don't know to solve daily life problems.
    On other hand, I think that should be included educational projects in schools in which they should involved students, teachers and parents. And school projects should be more related to society and daily life.
