Thursday, 21 February 2013

describing change, suggesting solutions

here you can describe one of the changes that we discussed in class using 
the present perfect + adverb + time phrase, 
suggest some solutions with
and talk about the outcome with
will etc


  1. Taxes have risen dramatically the last 3 years. Indirect taxes rose from 16% to 21%.
    The government must drop their wages. They should delete the most of the local council. The laws should be harder for people to steal money and they must pay back the money and go to prision.
    If government did that, the State would get much money, so taxes would drop steadily. So people could earn money to buy products, and the economy would be better.

  2. The students have increased a lot the age of leaving home over the last few years.
    They could have a part-time work while they are studing. The government could reserv special jobs for students and they have to give some social help for renting student`s flat.
    If they had more help, they might leave home soon. If they didn`t find a job, they would go abroad.

  3. Debora Zian
    -Houses for key workers-
    A key worker is an essential worker, as teacher, police officer, firefighter. The place in a city where these people live can be very important when there is an emergency. For this reason the government helps them to buy or rent a home at an affordable price near the workplace.
    This social help is well-know in London, while in Spain it has gone down slightly over the past ten years.
    In Spain this “social help” could become a very interesting business to help key workers, the society, because public services would improve, and the crisis.
    I talk about the crisis because this financial aid could promote young people to leave home, and as result getting married and having children; stages of life that have delayed over the last few years.

  4. The problem which we have to deal is unemployment and housing. It's not a simple issue. The minimum wage of 645,30€, at least in Spain, it's a ridiculous quantity for the life of the medium citizen. There are no guarantees and the new labor law has made easier the dismissal of employees. However this fired and/or unemployed people have to tackle the mortgage. The higher rates of the mortgage make imposible for the families the payment. So the problem here is that unemployment has risen dramatically (around a 24% in Spain)over the last five years and it has consequences in housing condition. People who can't tackling the mortgage have increased a lot over the last few years. The degree of pressure is such that people even commit suicide. This is a worrying kind of phenomena which all of us must help to prevent. Suggesting actions to solve this huge problem is a hard task. Personally, I think the government should create a new and eficient labor law and exert more control over the financial system. The housing problem could be solve if the banks remove the load over the people who have lost their jobs. I mean set an interest free plans. What is clear is that the eviction is not the right way, this measure shows the heartless face of the politic and goes against the fundamental human rights.

  5. The age in the students that leaves home has increase a lot over the last few years.
    This could change if they could afford a place to stay during his studies, and they might do it if the government create special places -low cost- for students or with the creation of job specialy for them.
    If the students could get a place affordable and if they could get a job to afford his spends they will leave home in an earlier age.

  6. I remember a very sad news i have read recently: economic crisis, unemployment and uncertainty for the future have risen dramatically the mental disease percentages in the Greek population.
    And this isn't the worst: suicidal tendences have risen dramaticaly in Greek population, and spanish adage says: when you see your neighbor's beard peel put yours to soak

  7. Incredible mixture of topics! Is there a correlation between comments? In my opinion no, but that's more entertaining.

    Returning to the post, Petrol prices have gone up slightly since last year. This problem not only affects the price of a liter of gasoline, also affects the production costs of companies, the price of food and causes more global pollution. The remedy could be on renewable energy (wind, solar, biomass, etc) and improving energy efficiency. We must find alternatives to fossil fuels that are useful, cheap and clean.

    The future of humanity will be sustainable in order to leave a better world to future generations. I hope it.

  8. the topic about i talked with my partner was unemployed people in the country. unemployment has risen dramatically ower the last few years.
    The goverment should increase efforts people, which as usual is paying for things that they can´t controle. if they think about what it is better for people and don´t for banks and businessman, maybe people has not loose its empoyments, and democrazy will go better

  9. If we were talking about the rates that have gone up in the last times in Spain, it will be endless!. Food, petrol and transport prices, taxes in general have increased a lot.
    The house prices is perhaps the only one that has dropped by 20% in the last year, but with the high unemployment ,increased dramatically in the last time, it´s impossible to buy a house for the ordinary people.
    I think , the other thing that has risen dramatically too ,is the despair and discouragement of people ….

  10. University fees have increased dramatically over the last year. before the 'cuts' in education, many people colud pay university fees thanks to state grants. But now, besides the university fees been more expensive than before, there aren't grants. So people who need grants to study this year it can not.
    In addition, next year the university fees will rise again. So public education in our country is disappearing...

  11. I talked with my partner about two spanish problems: empty houses and young people who can´t leave their parents' home.

    Here in Spain some people has built a lot of building and the number of empty houses has increased a lot over the past ten years. The age for leave the parents' home has risen dramatically too.

    The solution for both problems could be a government intervention. Spanish politicians have rescued the banks and then they should offer a lot of mortgages by low interest rates.

  12. Rebeca Iturmendi11 March 2013 at 18:36

    Spain has a terrible problem that have increased in the last years. Our parents and grandparents had to work very hard, had to defence essentials rights and probably this is the reason they had the right priorities in their lifes. However, after that, the new generation has seen how people rewarded the "rogue", in the school, in the works, in the Civil Services, ... and nobody wants to be the last, the only one who does not win. Then, the only way to change it´s a important change in attitude of the population, who will become future politicians.
