Tuesday 28 February 2012

work / life balance

Share your tip for improving your work / life balance. Give your reasons, using a quantifier in the explanation


  1. Sergio Aceves Arranz28 February 2012 at 13:00

    on the one hand I think I have a good life balance because I`m studing and have the necesary to live good.
    however on the other hand sometimes, I haven`t enough time to see my real friends all the weeks for my studies.
    So it depends the moment in my life.

    1. I think I have generally a good life/work balance, because I do a lot of things. I can study, travel, go out with my friends, visit museums...
      But this year I don't have a good live/work balance, because this year I have to spend all my time at the university and I don't have enough time to do another things. But, don't worry, because these are my last four months at the university.
      Ana Marchante Jiménez

  2. Laura Ricote Ureña28 February 2012 at 14:54

    I think that for have a good life/work balance it is necessary have a time for each activity and make things easy.
    We must try to relax for at least an hour a day so the live/work balance will be better.
    My live/work balance is good, because I have free time for do others activities.

  3. Antonio Delgado López28 February 2012 at 18:23

    I think that the most important thing you can do for improve your work-life balance is make a good timetable, for example, you can do your own task list and organize it according to the importance, with a little time between tasks to rest. You will be able to see that you have enough time for all your tasks and for yourself!!!. Also, if you want plenty of time for yourself you can do, on sunday, another list with your objetive for each week and check it on friday, for example. I'm sure that you'll be able to find a lot of time to get it!!!

  4. Cayetana Jiménez29 February 2012 at 00:56

    For improve your work-life balance my tip is: stop and do other different thing that you do in this moment. If you are very nervous, stop! and listen relaxing music, although only it's a few minutes. Also, when you have a lot of work and you are stressed, stop! and walk a little, try to listen your favourite music while you're walking, it's very relaxing! I always improve my work-life balance with music.

    Cayetana Jiménez.

  5. I just finished my degree six months ago. Actually there aren't enough oportunities to a new psychologist, like me, who don't have any experience in applying therapy. Now a have too much free time, but I'm not happy at all with my work/live balance, because I spend many hours in different activities without a strict organization of my time. On a weekday a have plenty of time to study lessons of my master but I think if I had a permanent job I would take advantage of my time.

  6. I think that for have a good life work balance it is necessary have a time for doing that you want and to devote to you itself.

    In addition, I think that is positive to have a relax time and perhaps you can to ocuppy more time for think in your things.

    But, I think that for having a good work balance is necessary that you have patience en your life.

  7. carlos gil arellano3 March 2012 at 00:39

    In my opinion, I don't have a bad life/work balance, cause I am a student and I spend most of the time at the university, and when I come back home, I have many things to do that they don't take me time of social lifehome. I can go out with my friends or study something if I prefer, cause I don't have many responsabilities. On one hand it's advantageous because I have more time for myself, but on the other hand it´s not so good cause I don't work so I don't have too much money to spend

  8. The most important thing that you must do for improve your work / life balance is think about all you do. Don`t do things without thinking about them. Generally, people try to do too many things in a day, and they don`t think about them, so they don`t enjoy none. It`s better do less things than you don`t enjoy nothing!
    So, you must stop your rhythm life for do less things and you must expend enough time to doing them.

    Susana Moreno Espinosa

  9. Francisco J. Panéz Núñez4 March 2012 at 13:17

    In order to have a good work - life balance you need thinking about which things are important for you and which things are not.

    What are the most important things you do in your life?.
    what would you like to do in your free time?.

    If you don´t have any time in the morning,you can do many things in the afternoon.

    you can read a book or going to the gym or whatever you like.

    Don´t waste much time in stupid things. (e.g) 4hours in a day chating in social networks.

    For me the most important thing is sleeping quite a lot of time for being ready for the next day.

  10. If you don't support your work-like balance PLEASED CHANGE IT! YOU ARE GOING TO BE HAPPY and this is the most important thing in your life.
    In one hand, you need to organize your free time, and in the other hand, you should do the things that you want. You can read,take a bath or listen music. But please don't waste your wonderful time in things that can't be happy.
    I think the most important thing is that we must be happy and do relaxing things, not stressful like go to the gym or take a fast shower when you come back al home.

    Paula Ayllón Beleña

  11. Patricia Velasco Fernández4 March 2012 at 20:00

    I´m finishing my degree, this year so in this moment I have a plenty of time. In this time I´m going to learn English, and play aerobics. But the rest of my friends doesn´t have any time, because their working until 18:30-19:00.(Lots of people too). I think that the people must sing up in activity after the work, like play sport, dance… or see their friends,family. The solution would be go out to work. It´s necessary have time to enjoy and time to relax for be happy.
    Patricia Velasco

  12. Some tips for having a good work/life balance:
    1) You should work for seven or eight hours a day at most, because if you work a lot, you will feel very stressed.
    2) You can spend your free time for being with your family or your friens, also you can do some sports or somthing you like.
    3) Some weekend, if you have enough money, you can travel to the country or a quiet village to rest.
    4) You should try to have a job you like and you feel good with. In addition it's recommended your job is not too far from your home.

    Alberto Martínez

  13. Nuria Santomé5 March 2012 at 09:07

    For your work-life balance is positive the first thing to do is think about what you want. The work is a very important part, provides money and stability, but what is most important? Sometimes we think so much on the work and we forget the main things. Having friends, go out, have fun, relax and travel is necessary to be happy. Balance it is not easy, but if you get your life will improve a lot.
